sam shelton ashley reeves wedding

Sam Shelton Ashley Reeves Wedding: Bio, Wiki, Age, Height, Education, Career, Net Worth, Family, Boyfriend And More

Who is Ashley Reeves? 

Ashley is a prominent American lady who went through a progression of chilling occurrences. She was brought into the world on the first January 1983 in Belleville, Illinois, US. Her folks are Tracy Green Koenig and Michelle Reeves. 

Does Ashley have any kin? She has two more youthful kin, Madison Koenig and Daniel Koenig. She holds an American identity and a Caucasian-white ethnic foundation. She went to Columbia Secondary School.


Full NameAshley Reeves
Date of Birth1st January 1983
Age41 years old
Zodiac SignCapricorn
Place of BirthBelleville, Illinois, USA
Current ResidenceBelleville, Illinois, USA
Height (feet)5’ 7’’
Height (cm)170
Weight (lbs)143
Weight (kg)65
Shoe Size (US)6
Hair ColourBrown
Eye ColourBlue
MotherTracy Green Koenig
FatherMichelle Reeves
SiblingsTwo (Madison Koenig and Daniel Koenig)
Relationship StatusMarried
SchoolColumbia High School
ProfessionVolunteer at a violence prevention centre
Famous forBeing an attempted murder victim

What happened to Ashley Reeves? 

Ashley stood out as truly newsworthy in 2006 subsequent to enduring a lethal endeavored murder by Samson Shelton. Sam was an expert grappler, exercise center educator, and secondary teacher. Ashley ventured out from home on 27th April 2006 at around 3:30 pm. Despite the fact that she planned to see her previous educator, she told her folks and sweetheart that she would go for a prospective employee meeting and later play ball. She vowed to be back before her time limit at 10:00 pm. 

As the night advanced and she was no place to be seen, her folks announced her missing, subsequent to neglecting to answer any calls or texts, which was not normal for her. At first, her then-beau was the fundamental suspect, however upon additional examination and addressing, proof implicated Sam Shelton. Sam and Ashley supposedly met in secondary school, and their sentiment bloomed. 

Before the chilling occurrence, the educator tricked her into going to his place by faking a stomach upset. In the wake of dozing together, the educator took a stab at parting ways with her while driving. Sadly, things started getting revolting as Ashley had none of it. 

From his recorded assertion, Sam unfastened Ashley’s safety belt and attempted to discharge her from the moving vehicle. He heard her neck pop and her body go limp. Sam conveyed her into a lush region in a close by city park to make the deception that Ashley got choked there. 

Afterward, the vehicle she was driving in was found deserted in Laderman Park in Belleville. The rucksack containing her b-ball gear was as yet unblemished. After a progression of searches, she was at long last found lying on her back in the freezing soil. 

Despite the fact that she was in a desperate circumstance, Ashley was as yet alive. She was hurried into the clinic, where the specialists in a split second placed her into a prompted unconsciousness since they expected that the inward wounds would make her weakened.

Is Ashley Reeves married? 

It is affirmed that she is hitched however has decided to get the insights regarding her accomplice far from the spotlight. While some accept Ashley Reeves wedded Jeremy Smith, this hasn’t been affirmed. During the frightful occurrence, Ashley was involved with Jeremy Smith. 

The team had been together for over two years. They had a committed relationship as she had acquainted him with her folks, who enjoyed him. Neither Jeremy nor Ashley’s folks realize that she was engaging in extramarital relations with her previous 7th grade educator.

 After the cheating and endeavored murder difficulty, Jeremy at last parted ways with Ashley. Afterward, the then 18-year-old had another accomplice who was supposedly a year more seasoned than her. Despite the fact that there are no insights concerning him, the man is accepted to be Ashley Reeves’ significant other. 

Ashley Reeves’ book and films 

In 2009, Ashely distributed her genuine storybook, Left for the Dead, specifying the loathsome difficulty. Afterward, a film named Left for Dead: The Ashley Reeves Story was delivered. The book and film portray the narrative of a lady who needed to battle for her life threefold:

Where is Ashley Reeves now? 

Today, she chips in at a brutality counteraction focus in Illinois. Moreover, she has a steady occupation with two kids, who are her wellspring of joy. She guarantees she has no recollections of the assault. During one of her meetings in 2017, she expressed:

In a Crime Watch Daily exclusive, Ashley Reeves and Crime Watch Daily’s Elizabeth Smart return to the scene of the crime.

A crook really hard: Besides the fact that he snapped the neck of a 17-year-old and leave her for dead – – hours after the fact he went out country line-moving like nothing had occurred. Elizabeth Savvy is in St. Louis with the upsetting subtleties and the police video you need to experience in real life to appreciate. It’s the walk each police officer fears: Profound into the dim woods looking for a body, drove there by a thought executioner who’s not just let them know where to track down his casualty, yet the way in which he killed her. 

Police cameras are moving as the hunt party stalks through the tangled excess to a clearing, and the collection of 17-year-old Ashley Reeves. However, in this stunning story of dread, everything changes in a split second. Before that terrible night in April 2006, Ashley Reeves was an entertaining and splendid secondary school junior, a phenomenal understudy with a consistent sweetheart named Jeremy Smith. 

Ashley’s more youthful sister Casey tells Elizabeth Shrewd that Ashley was the one she generally turned upward to. Be that as it may, inconvenience would find Ashley on the terrible night she’d meet a beast in the forest. It’s a Thursday evening in April 2006. Ashley goes out in Millstadt, Illinois for an arrangement in Fairview Levels, a town very nearly 15 miles away for a new employee screening. She’s driving a SUV having a place with her sweetheart. 

In any case, that evening Ashley wouldn’t get back home. Hours after the fact, nor Ashley’s family nor companions had heard from Ashley. “Something was different with this case,” said Swansea, Sick. Police Boss Steven Johnson. “This missing young lady, Ashley Reeves, was not noting even texts from any of her companions. Also, one thing we know with young women is they will, perhaps not answer their folks, but rather they will answer their companions.

” Something’s not right.  Ashley’s mother calls police in a frenzy. “Sadly we get a couple of calls that are that way, and by far most of them are either, perhaps they just remained out excessively lengthy with a companion or something to that effect, yet there was something with her voice that truly sounded extremely upsetting, and I said ‘Chief, this one sounds somewhat unique, I think we likely need to run with this one immediately,'” said St. Clair Area Sheriff’s Lt. 

Mike Hundelt. “It wasn’t a lot of longer from that point onward, Ashley’s vehicle that she had been driving, was found at Laderman Park here in Belleville,” said Hundelt. Inside Jeremy Smith’s unwanted SUV are Ashley’s outfit for the new employee screening and ball garments. Be that as it may, there was no indication of Ashley. Ashley’s beau Jeremy is a parent’s fantasy: Healthy, frank, appeared to revere their girl. They had been dating for almost two years. 

Be that as it may, presently examiners need to converse with him. “At the point when you begin managing missing individuals you for the most part will generally zero in on individuals who are nearest around them,” said Hundelt. Analysts put Smith in a tough situation. Smith tells criminal investigators he was away the night Ashley disappeared, and doesn’t have the foggiest idea about a thing. 

“He seemed like he really focused on Ashley a considerable amount,” said Hundelt. “I had an overwhelming inclination that he didn’t actually know whatever was going on.” However at that point the young fellow’s meeting yields a game-evolving hint. “She said ‘I will go to this meeting and I will go play b-ball,'” Smith tells Hundelt in the cross examination. 

“How could a youthful female need to play ball in a recreation area far away from school?” said Capt. Johnson. A companion tells police Ashley would frequently meet a man at a recreation area to take care of business, somebody they all knew: 27-year-old Samson Shelton. Shelton is the driver’s-training and physical-schooling teacher at an opponent school. 

He’s additionally a hopeful expert grappler referring to himself as “The Educator.” Were Sam and Ashley getting together for more than ball? Ashley’s beau tells analysts he has to strongly disagree. Yet, as Ashley’s family proceeds with their frantic hunt, an alternate story arises. Overreacted guardians choose to call each number from Ashley Reeves’ telephone bill after she disappears. They run over a number they didn’t perceive again and again. 

They dial it, and on the opposite finish of the telephone, a previous instructor, a man nine years her senior: Sam Shelton, a famous educator and mentor, who lives close by with his mom and grandma. The night Ashley vanished, esteemed gentleman is discovered on tape moving at the Wild Nation dance club. “My mother really conversed with Sam that evening,” said Casey Reeves, Ashley’s sister. 

“Furthermore, he was like ‘No, haven’t heard from her, haven’t seen her.’ Hung up like it was no biggie.” However, companions say Shelton is no joking matter: Ashley let them know she was sincerely associated with the much-more seasoned man, and should meet him that evening. “He was really considered at the time a minor lead since what had been told to us was he was a companion of Ashley’s, that they would only sort of play ball together,” said Lt. 

Hundelt. Criminal investigators pull the youthful mentor right out of baseball training for a meeting. A well disposed and helpful Shelton lets examiners know that regardless of what Ashley had said, his relationship with the youngster was simply non-romantic. 

He likewise says he’s been avoiding Ashley for quite a long time. He tells police Ashley was becoming fixated on him, calling him relentless. “Getting going I felt like he knew more than everything that he was saying to us,” said Hundelt. “I think he planned to attempt to simply control us, keep on conversing with us and be agreeable and only sort of play along and trust that this will all disappear,” said St. Clair Area Sheriff’s Sgt. 

Daniel Stockett. In any case, when squeezed by police with proclamations from Ashley’s companions, Shelton changes his story, telling police their relationship went farther than a farewell embrace – – significantly further. “I will say this: we won’t ever kiss. We never kissed,” Shelton says in the cross examination. “Indeed, we engaged in sexual relations toward the rear of the vehicle there, and after that day I really regretted that. 

“Initially he had said they were companions,” said Capt. Johnson. “And afterward he had said that they played b-ball. And afterward he had said he needed a relationship with her. And afterward he had said at one point he was attempting to sever the relationship with her. 

He had changed the story such a lot of that an individual who had nothing to stow away, how could you transform it that much?” “We just kept on getting him in lies, it was lie after lies,” said Stockett. Then, at that point, a subsequent sensation detonates: Ashley Reeves was in Sam Shelton’s vehicle the other day. He tells police they had a contention and he left her by the roadside. Be that as it may, Shelton’s story closes with Reeves alive. 

“She was screamin’, kickin’, everything,” Shelton says in the cross examination. “Put her down, shut the entryway, ran the vehicle, I took off. I left her. I left her there is what I did. I forgot about her there by Radio Reach Street. I forgot about her in that general area.”

Why was Shelton more concerned with line-dancing that night than with Ashley’s well-being? His answer is as cold-blooded as it is unbelievable.

“I would have rather not got by there, since, supposing that I would’ve gotten by there, on the off chance that I would’ve seen her as, I don’t have any idea, whether she had got hit by a vehicle or something and she was laying around there in a trench, in the event that I would’ve seen that, I was unable to stand that,” Shelton says in the recorded cross examination. “I have an outright trepidation, I have an extremely feeble stomach with regards to, similar to gut films, I couldn’t in fact watch those. I actually have in my mind from that film ‘Texas Trimming tool Slaughter’ that emerged, have you seen that film? Assuming I would like see her like laying out and about in that general area, it just – – I don’t have the foggiest idea. I would have felt totally like horrendous.” 

“You mean to let me know that this is an individual that you really focused on and that you left her out and about, yet you didn’t attempt to converse with her or call her after that?,” said Hundelt. “I said ‘I view that as difficult to accept.'” The investigators hammer at Shelton’s record for quite a long time, however Shelton doesn’t wander from his story. 

Then, a staggering bit of destiny: On a washroom break, Shelton runs into the division’s lead criminal investigator, Steven Johnson. “He was a Pilgrim in our policing post. I was a guide,” said Johnson. “It’s a piece of the Boy troopers, and they find out about policing.” Johnson assumes control over the meeting, searching for a point that will separate Shelton’s boundaries. 

“Educate us regarding the error that was made, Sam,” Johnson says in the cross examination. After twenty minutes Shelton disintegrates at the notice of one name. “Assuming I left from here and I proceeded to converse with grandmother at the present time, and I set out this entire story that you’re saying, what’s grandmother going to say?” Johnson asks Shelton in the cross examination room. 

“I simply need to return home and I simply need to clear up for mother and grandmother precisely what occurred,” Shelton answers. Playing the “grandmother card” might be the main way passed on to break Shelton and track down Ashley Reeves. 

So Johnson pairs down on the despair. “Your grandmother hasn’t arrived,” Johnson says in the cross examination. “Your mother hasn’t arrived. Be that as it may, guess what? In a manner they are. Since all that they showed you, every one of the discussions grandmother had with you, are inside you. Every one of them are. 

Also, tragically the present moment, Sam, you ain’t coming clean with us. What’s more, you really want to. You need to. For mother. For grandmother.” Johnson abandons the sobbing Shelton in the cross examination room, sufficiently lengthy for the culpability to soak in.” “At the point when he requested to be separated from everyone else, I realized he was prepared to admit,” said Johnson.

“Can I go show you what happened?” Shelton says in the recording. “I’d have to show you.”

After over 12 hours of exhausting cross examination, 26-year-old Samson Shelton at long last snaps, admitting to a terrible wrongdoing. “I drug her to a lush region, I attached this thing around her neck to make it seem as though somebody stifled her out there,” Samson says in the recorded cross examination. Presently the culpability ridden secondary teacher consents to take specialists to the concealing spot somewhere down in the forest where he unloaded the assortment of Ashley Reeves. 

Shelton hauled Reeves far into the trees of a recreational area the past evening. In any case, presently, under the front of night and downpour, Shelton can’t get his heading. Reeves’ body could be anyplace. “It was dim, it was stormy and it was cold and the forest were so thick,” said Capt. Johnson. 

“After we had strolled through the forest for most likely 20, 30 minutes or somewhere in the vicinity, I was starting to contemplate whether he was perhaps only sort of taking us on a pointless pursuit and somewhat playing with us once more,” said Lt. Hundelt. Then, hearts stop as spotlights land on a terrible disclosure: Ashley Reeves’ messed up body. 

“She was laying on the ground on her back, clearly expired,” said Johnson. “There was great many bug chomps all around her,” said Hundelt. “She had been out there for quite a while.” For 30 painful hours. Then, at that point, a supernatural occurrence: “She’s relaxing. She’s relaxing! Get EMTs!” “I saw her chest rise and it was very much like ‘Good gracious,’ we were simply panicky,” said Sgt. Stockett.

“Oh my God, we found her, she’s alive,” said Lt. Hundelt.

Crisis faculty competition to save Ashley. She’s been left for dead in the forest for over 30 hours, cool, scarcely breathing, choked almost to death. Despite the fact that she’s as yet alive, the visualization isn’t great. “The paramedics that were there let me know that they didn’t think she planned to get woods,” said Capt. Johnson. Back at the police headquarters, proof photographs show Sam Shelton scarcely had an imprint on him. At the point when Johnson at last hears his admission he knows why: Ashley never got an opportunity to set up a very remarkable battle. 

“They got into some kind of a contention and she wouldn’t escape his vehicle, and he guarantees he got her into a wrestling strangle hold, and when he did that he heard her neck pop,” said Johnson. “Also, she went limp, and he didn’t have any idea what to do. 

He said that he overreacted by then.” Shelton depicts what he did straightaway. Be cautioned: His coldhearted admission will make you feel sick. “I was a worry wort, thinking, ‘What do I do? What do I do?'” Sam Shelton says in the recorded cross examination. “I needed to make it appear as though she’d got she got choked there in the forest.” 

“So he gagged her. He stifled her with his hands. That didn’t work. She was all the while breathing,” said Johnson. “I took the belt and I pulled, I pulled it on her neck, I don’t have the foggiest idea how long I hung on,” Shelton says in the recording. “I needed to turn my head because I would have rather not seen.” “Out of nowhere I heard like a sputter. 

And afterward out of nowhere when I heard the sputter, I let go, and when I let go, she had spit, froth, emerging from her mouth. And afterward I’d seen that she was the most ailing variety I’d at any point seen,” Shelton says in the recorded admission. “Her tongue was like sort of projecting that way, between the teeth.” “He then, at that point, involved his foot for influence to gag as hard as possible, and the belt broke,” said Johnson. 

“So he repositioned once again and stifled until there was not any more breathing, no more foam, not any more changing of the facial tone, and he left her in these woods.” “I just took off. I mean I in a real sense dashed through there out of nowhere,” Shelton says in the recording. 

Then, Shelton’s admission closes with this head-shaking trade: “Am I going to have the option to get like my contact arrangement and take my contacts out, and toothbrush?” Shelton asks during the cross examination. “I think not.” “I can’t take my contacts out?” Shelton says. Reality still can’t seem to soak in for this egotistical 26-year-old, who doesn’t appear to be at all worried about the young lady he in fact attempted to choke in the forest.

“Am I gonna get like a little private toilet? ‘Cause I can’t pee when there’s people around ’cause of my urinary stress disorder,” Shelton says in the recording.

“I don’t have the foggiest idea, Sam. I’ll let them know that that is what you need, however I couldn’t say whether they’ll have the option to do that.” 

“Since I’ll be hopeless on the off chance that I can’t pee,” Shelton says. Samson Shelton is captured and accused of endeavored murder. In spite of his admission, he makes bail and is discharge while anticipating preliminary. Be that as it may, his issues with the law are nowhere near finished. 

At a certain point specialists say Shelton really attempted to end it all by ingesting a possibly lethal mixed drink of solution pills and liquor. Then, when EMTs rush in to attempt to save him, the pained educator supposedly punches and spits at them. 

“I was told by trauma center staff that he had some kind of composition on his chest, similar to a marker, that says ‘Don’t save me,’ or ‘Don’t revive me,’ or something to that effect,” said Boss Johnson. Shelton confesses to endeavored first-degree murder and is condemned to 20 years in jail.


  1. Ashley Reeves survived an attempted murder by Samson Shelton in 2006.
  2. Shelton, a former teacher and wrestler, lured Ashley into his car, attempted to strangle her, and left her for dead.
  3. Ashley was found alive after 30 hours and underwent medical treatment.
  4. Shelton confessed to the crime and was sentenced to 20 years in prison.


Ashley Reeves, a prominent American woman, survived a horrific attempted murder in 2006 by Samson Shelton, a former teacher and wrestler. Despite initially implicating her boyfriend, Jeremy Smith, evidence later pointed to Shelton, with whom Ashley had a romantic relationship. Shelton lured Ashley into his car, attempted to strangle her, and left her for dead in a park. Miraculously, Ashley was found alive after 30 hours and underwent extensive medical treatment. Shelton was arrested, confessed to the crime, and was sentenced to 20 years in prison.


Who is Samson Shelton?

Samson Shelton is a former teacher and wrestler who attempted to murder Ashley Reeves in 2006.

What happened to Ashley Reeves in 2006?

Ashley Reeves survived an attempted murder by Samson Shelton, who lured her into his car, attempted to strangle her, and left her for dead in a park.

What was Samson Shelton’s sentence for the attempted murder of Ashley Reeves?

Samson Shelton was sentenced to 20 years in prison for the attempted murder of Ashley Reeves.

Is there a movie or book about Ashley Reeves’ story?

Yes, Ashley Reeves published a book titled “Left for Dead” in 2009, and a film titled “Left for Dead: The Ashley Reeves Story” was released.

Is Ashley Reeves married?

Ashley Reeves’ marital status is not widely known, but there are reports suggesting she is married to a man who was her partner after the incident with Shelton.

What is Ashley Reeves doing now?

Ashley Reeves currently volunteers at a violence prevention center in Illinois and has two children.

How did Ashley Reeves survive the attempted murder?

Ashley Reeves survived the attempted murder due to being found alive after 30 hours and receiving prompt medical treatment.

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